Comic Crossroads
Ba Sing Se Zoo
Ba Sing Se Zoo
Vital statistics
Type Zoo
Secrecy Level Public
Location Land of Earth

The Ba Sing Se Zoo (快樂動物園) is a zoo located in the agrarian zone of Ba Sing Se. It was originally a very proffitable business for the economy of the Land of Earth, but it eventually fell in popularity.


Once a benefitial attraction to publics of all ages and for the economy of the Land of Earth, the Ba Sing Se Zoo it became worse over the year duo to the budget of the zoo being cut, and so no more money was being made to keep it. All employees, except for Kenji, the zookeper, had either been fired, or left the zoo, as it became a dilapidated place.

In 19 AG, once Team 7 arrived in Ba Sing Se in search of Appa, they approached a small farm near the zoo. There, Asami Sato saw a wide range of animals, whom she noticed were visibly miserable and starving within small cages. Kenji revealed to them that the zoo stopped receiving any funding from the Dai Li because children stopped coming to see it duo to the zoo being filfthy; one of the cages particularly showed an animal lying near a pile of feces. When Kenji told them he wanted his animals to live in an open space, Asami suggested moving them to an open area, in the nearby agrarian zone

The animals proved difficult to control, more than Asami believed, and they ended up running wild across the city, terrozing the citizens. Hog monkeys destroyed shops, a rabaroo ate all food in a store, among other disasters. After trying to restore order to no avail, Asami puled out Naruto's bison whistle and drew the attention of the other animals.

Kenji, meanwhile, desperately attempted to have the guards open the city's gates, which they refused until they realized the oncoming stampede. After the gates were opened, Asami used the Rocky Wall Technique to create a wall around the animals around the agrarian zone, to accomodate the animals, and thus a new zoo was created. Children and their families rushed to the new zoo to see the animals, and Kenji then thanked the kunoichi for her help, telling her she would work with animals.


  • Armadillo lion
  • Dragonfly
  • Elephant mandrill
  • Gemsbok bull
  • Hog monkey
  • Platypus bear
  • Rabaroo
  • Turtle seal