Comic Crossroads
Vital statistics
Universe Earth-5875
Base of Operations
Body Type
Eyes None
Hair None
Skin Varies
Number of Limbs 4
Special Adaptations
Notable Individuals
Home Planet Doisac
Origin Unknown
Created by Draft227

The buhlag are a moose-like herd animals native to Doisac. They serve as a source of food for the Covenant and its remnants, particularly the jiralhanae, who hail from the planet as the creatures. Despite their fearsome size and apperance, buhlag are incredibly docile and calm.


The jiralhanae always appreciated the buhlag as a source of food, culturally. Chieftain Maccabeus enjoyed eating the ball of muscle from buhlag, while Thrallslayer enjoyed the species' meat, claiming it was "both an appetizer and a dessert". Some groups serve buhlag with their legs pointing upwards and head splayed outward. Before they are cooked, their ridges are removed to avoid death or paralization by the neurotoxins. When the CRS-class light cruiser Valorous Salvation landed on Beta Gabriel, the jiralhanae aboard started to hunt and eat the local humans, with one claiming to make them fat as a buhlag. Many buhlag and rafakrit were accidentally unleashed on LV-1201 by accident when a DSC-class support ship crashed there.


Anatomy and physiology[]

Buhlag are massive, and have two massive frontal horns alongside four ridges on their spine. These ridges contain powerful neurotoxins, a defensive adaption the species developed against predators, such as rafakrit. They are quadrupedal and have hardened feet, each with three massive nails.
