Comic Crossroads
Vital statistics
Universe Earth-7045
Base of Operations Any of the Nine Realms but Midgard
Body Type Reptilian
Eyes Variable
Hair Variable
Skin Scaly
Number of Limbs 4/6
Special Adaptations
Notable Individuals Fafnir Hriedmarson (former dwarf) †
Fafnir of Nastrond (former Ǫ́ss/Vanr)
Shou-Lao the Undying
Dei Guan / Jade Dragon (human who can become a dragon)
Home Planet Earth
Origin Unknown
Created by Trachodon56

Dragons are mystically-created reptiles that are usually depicted in human folklore & mythology. In reality, there are locally extinct on Midgard, with Shou-Lao the Undying being the only one left; and even then very few even exist.


to be added


Dragons come in in different variations, but all keep the same basic body design of a lizard-like monster. Sometimes they have a pair of wings in addition to four legs, have a more serpentine body that can fly without wings, have their wings form from their forelimbs, and/or breath elemental forces. The larger dragons usually have superhuman strength, durability, and stamina.


  • Being birthed from reptiles, dragons slow down in the presence of cold environments.


Gravity: 1G
Atmosphere: 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.93% argon, 0.04% carbon dioxide, remaining percentage other gases


  • Several Transformers have assumed the form of dragons as separate modes, including the aptly-named Dracocons, Doublecross, Gigatron, Galvatron, Megatron, and Noble in his "Savage" personality.