Comic Crossroads
Girl 1
Legal information
Real Name Unknown
Status Deceased
Born Unknown
Base of Operations Fushigi Castle, Fushigi Dimension
Died Fushigi Dimension (1985 A.D.)
Affiliation Fushigi World Fuuma (Girls Army)
Alignment Bad
Marital Status Single
Species Alien
Citizenship Fuuma
Occupation Leader of the Girls Army, military operative
Physical attributes
Gender Female
Eyes Brown
Hair Black
Voice Keiko Nawa
Mental attributes
Temperament Choleric
Perception Normal
Universe Earth-83963
Created by Trachodon56

Girl 1 was the leader of the Fushigi World Fuuma's Girls Army and the right-hand man of Commander Hessler.


The history of Girl 1 is the same as her mainstream counterpart.
