Comic Crossroads
Lurker (Earth-4001)
Legal information
Real Name Unknown
Status Alive
Base of Operations formerly Odina, Xia
Affiliation Dark Hunters
Alignment Bad
Marital Status Single
Sexual Preference Asexual
Occupation Dark Hunter
Physical attributes
Gender Male
Eyes White
Hair No Hair
Skin Metal (Red)
Unusual Features Biomechanical physiology, claws
Mental attributes
Perception Choleric
Universe Earth-4001
Created by Trachodon56

Quote1 He accepted every job he could get, some of which would have otherwise gone to Dark Hunters. Since I frown on competition, I recruited him. Quote2
The Shadowed One

Lurker is a sadistic and powerful Dark Hunter who was previously banned from his home island.


The history of Lurker up until 2553 is the same as his mainstream counterpart.

Personality & Traits[]

Lurker is very confident in his own abilities, forgoing extreme weaponry for simpler tools. He has a habit of dropping on his unsuspecting victims from high areas, known to have taught Toa to "look at the sky," just when he would ambush them.

His armor is decorated with two Kanohi masks, to make him seem like the victor of battles with Toa.


Lurker requested several blades and stinger armaments as his only tools when he joined the Dark Hunters. On at least one mission, however, he used a Hagah Plasma Cannon and exulted in its destructive capabilities.
