Comic Crossroads
Quote1 Enough playing like childs! Let's give this fight a better twist! Quote2
Hermes in the Battlefield

Character Statistics
Aliases None
Nicknames None
Affiliation Sons of Olympus

Zeus Olympus

Base of Operations Olympus
Relatives Zeus (father)

Hera (mother) (deceased) Athena (sister) Ares (brother) Hercules (brother) Appolo (brother) Artemis (sister)

Alignment Good
Marital Status Single
Identity Status Active
Occupation Hero, Elite Guard, Warrior
Education Olympian Culture
Citizenship Olympian
Religion Olympian
Physical Attributes
Gender Male
Height 1, 32
Weight 59 kg
Eye Color Brown
Hair Color Blonde

Unusual Features None
Universe Earth-883745
Place of Birth Olympus
Date of Birth Long before the 10th Century
Created by Draft227

Hermes is an Olympian and a member of the Sons of Olympus. He is the brother of Athena, and fellow members Apollo, Hercules and Artemis.


Early Life[]

Hermes is the second son of Zeus and Hera, and additionally one of Olympus bravest warriors. Since child, Hermes was reclusive because of his stature, but by his mother's words: "A Olympian is known by their attitudes, not stature", Hermes proved himself a worthy Olympian and son of Zeus. He became to known best about his brothers, AthenaHerculesApollo and Artemis. The last three alongside Hermes would become best friends and eventually form the Sons of Olympus.

Ares Betrayal
